What’s your mission:- Oversee the Local Payroll Cycle ensuring that timesheets & variable information (absences, overtime, bonus, benefits, etc) a...
• Proposing annual terms and conditions as well as costs throughout the year, and aligning on new services with our vendors to build joint business pl...
Vyhľadávanie, oslovovanie a predaj tovaru a služieb potencionálnym zákazníkom cez internet.Výhody:- Po zapracovaní služobný mobil s neobmedzenými vola...
Aktívne vyhľadávanie zákazníkov v Číne a čínskych zákazníkov v Európe, marketing na čínskych sociálnych sieťach, spravovanie firemných účtov na čínsky...
• Negotiating annual terms and conditions as well as costs, and proposing new services with our vendors to build joint business plans with Amazon• Opt...
Go-to-Market Strategy: Lead the charge on our go-to-market strategies for new product launches. You'll be the maestro coordinating everything from pro...
Working with products on the Amazon catalog, reviewing, auditing and classifying product listing quality, based on pre-defined guidelines. This involv...
Vyhľadávanie, oslovovanie a predaj tovaru a služieb potencionálnym zákazníkom cez internet.Výhody:- Po zapracovaní služobný mobil s neobmedzenými vola...
Review and evaluate classification according to specific guidelines with high level of accuracy and productivityClassify items into a complex hierarch...