Provides end-to-end support to customers, which may include use of standard scripts and specific guidelines and procedures, to handle queries or close...
Works with and supports the TS Sales teams in the organisation’s network to advise on complex transactions and structure Pan-European Payments and Cas...
Creates and/or updates client files to global standards, collects and monitors all relevant documents concerning the identity of the customer, as well...
Performs Know Your Customer investigations covering money laundering, terrorist financing and tax evasion to determine if the transactional activity (...
Creates and/or updates client files to global standards, collects and monitors all relevant documents concerning the identity of the customer, as well...
Performs Know Your Customer investigations covering money laundering, terrorist financing and tax evasion to determine if the transactional activity (...
We are looking for people who can use their analytical power to help decide with whom ING should do business or not. You will be part of a small team ...
Creates and/or updates client files to global standards, collects and monitors all relevant documents concerning the identity of the customer, as well...
Oversees the creation of one digital identity per individual, by defining and managing the roles and access privileges of individual network users and...
Creates and/or updates client files to global standards, collects and monitors all relevant documents concerning the identity of the customer, as well...
Provides end-to-end support to customers, which may include use of standard scripts and specific guidelines and procedures, to handle queries or close...
Creates and/or updates client files to global standards, collects and monitors all relevant documents concerning the identity of the customer, as well...
Provides end-to-end support to customers, which may include use of standard scripts and specific guidelines and procedures, to handle queries or close...
Performs Know Your Customer investigations covering money laundering, terrorist financing and tax evasion to determine if the transactional activity (...
Provides end-to-end support to customers, which may include use of standard scripts and specific guidelines and procedures, to handle queries or close...
Contributes to business risk and control functions to ensure that ING's activities are in line with regulatory requirements and run smoothly in such a...
This is a challenging opportunity for a professional with a data extraction, processing and interpretation background. You would be supporting our Glo...
Contributes to business risk and control functions to ensure that ING's activities are in line with regulatory requirements and run smoothly in such a...
O pozícii :• Spravuje projekty v globálnom prostredí• Pripravuje a hlási stav, rozpočet a stretnutia• Pripravuje a dokumentuje kroky / fázy projektov•...
- zabezpečujete asistentské a administratívne práce- vykonávate podporné administratívne, správne, organizačné, ekonomické a personálne činnosti...
Vytváranie reportov v Power BI• Tvorba modelov servisných analýz• Tvorba vizuálnych zostáv, prehľadov kľ...
Analýza cien na trhu používaných vozidiel• Analýza a monitorovanie nákladov na opravu a pn...
Key job responsibilities: Independently engage and collect on a portfolio of accounts in account payable debit balance position...
Vývoj nových dátových aplikácií zameraných na zákazníkov.Vyvíjať a udržiavať existujúce interné nástroje spoločnosti Kanadevia Inova.Poskytovať dokume...
- zabezpečenie správy majetku, - príprava podkladov pre spracovanie dát skladového hospodárstva, - samostatná účtovnícka práca v útvare evidencie ma...
Viesť a zdokonaľovať procesný rámec riadenia rizík tretích strán pre bezpečnostné riziká ochrany súkromia vrátane potrebných noriem, postupov a techno...
Full cycle of accounts receivable past due balances, including: research, analysis and calling customersReconciling AR account(s), Managing and resolv...
Poskytuje eskaláciu technickej podpory na riešenie problémov so spotrebiteľskými zákazníkmi. Riadi, koordinuje a poskytuje najvyššiu úroveň technickýc...
· to optimize different flows of Customer Returns via analytics· to identify Seller experience improvement opportunities in inbound work stream.· to a...
Deeply understand the business model, business plan, processes and metrics of Retail Accounts ReceivableEnable and co-own key business and operational...
Vývoj, oprava a servis a elektrických a elektronických zariadení. Prírava prípravkov a podpora pre odddelenie DEV a TST. Návrh technických postupov pr...
Maintain strong relationships with our clients to ensure timely collections of cashResearch unpaid or disputed amounts and in close cooperation with c...
If you are passionate about Russian, English and Slovak language and would like to explore medical area, then we are looking for you! We are open to c...
Stretnutia s dizajnérskym tímom na preskúmanie požiadaviek na webovú stránku a aplikáciu. Stanovenie úloh a cieľov rozvoja. Konfigurácia firemných Sha...
Working with products on the Amazon catalog, reviewing, auditing and classifying product listing quality, based on pre-defined guidelines. This involv...