Responsible for high-quality software development for embedded systemsImplementation of agile phases of the software development process in compliance...
Responsible for high-quality software development for embedded systemsImplementation of agile phases of the software development process in compliance...
Responsible for high-quality software development for embedded systemsImplementation of agile phases of the software development process in compliance...
Execute Material supply planning for production of Finished Goods, Pre Production, -Accessories, Spare Parts and Common PartsManage technical changes ...
project organizationproject planningproject control and assessmentrisk management and decision-makingconfiguration and information managementproject m...
- Výkon, Kvalita, OEE a BOZP na pridelenej výrobnej linke - Realizácia výroby podľa výrobného programu - Nastavovanie, resp. zoradenie a rozbeh li...
Responsible for high-quality software development for embedded systemsImplementation of agile phases of the software development process in compliance...
Pracovný pomer na zastupovanie zamestnanca počas materskej a rodičovskej dovolenky. • riadenie pridelených projektov...
As a Digital Project Manager Operations Support you will provide support and problem resolution for specific products. You also will be:- A...
Vedúci pošty je kvalifikovaný zamestnanec, ktorý riadi, organizuje a koordinuje činnosť zverenej pošty a jej zamestnancov a spravidla samos...
Main duties for Vendor Management Coordinator consist of managing policies, practices, and operations for the selection, negotiation, and purchasing/l...
As a Senior Scrum Master you will provide day-to-day support in relation to product implementation, customization, questions, and problems. You will:&...
- realizácia plánovaných testov na základe pracovných inštrukcií- nastavenie, príprava vzoriek na testovanie autosedačiek- nastavenie systému (príprav...
Your responsibilities will include:Supporting the implementation of the internal control system to comply with internal and external requirements Coor...
- ensuring information transfer from local to global Plant quality assurance- working on scrap reduction activities- working on continuous improvement...