
Špecialisti v oblasti reklamy a marketingu

Povolanie: Špecialisti v oblasti reklamy a marketingu , marketingový špecialista/marketingová špecialistka
Pezinok, M.R. Štefánika 27



za mesiac

10. 5. 2024

Dátum začiatku

Vodičské oprávnenie

  • Increase and improve GS Europe’s presence on social media, on the company website, in TV and press.
  • Produce videos about used clothing and the impact on the environment as well as the social impact.
  • Prepare targeted promotional campaigns with videos, social media and events.
  • Produce visual presentations for the company product catalogue.
  • Prepare promotions and offers to expand sales in Middle East and Asia.
  • Prepare promotions and offers (in Spanish) offering European goods to customers in Central America

  • 2500€ /za mesiac
    CPM Slovakia s.r.o.
    Špecialisti v oblasti reklamy a marketingu

    What’s your mission:- Oversee the Local Payroll...

    Amazon /Slovakia/ s.r.o.
    Špecialisti v oblasti reklamy a marketingu

    • Proposing annual terms and conditions as well...

    Circle s. r. o.
    Špecialisti v oblasti reklamy a marketingu

    Vyhľadávanie, oslovovanie a predaj tovaru a slu...

    E&B services s. r. o.
    Špecialisti v oblasti reklamy a marketingu

    Aktívne vyhľadávanie zákazníkov v Číne a čínsky...

    Amazon /Slovakia/ s.r.o.
    Špecialisti v oblasti reklamy a marketingu


    Amazon /Slovakia/ s.r.o.
    Špecialisti v oblasti reklamy a marketingu

    • Negotiating annual terms and conditions as we...

    Kontentino s. r. o.
    Špecialisti v oblasti reklamy a marketingu

    Go-to-Market Strategy: Lead the charge on our g...

    Amazon /Slovakia/ s.r.o.
    Špecialisti v oblasti reklamy a marketingu

    Working with products on the Amazon catalog, re...

    Circle s. r. o.
    Špecialisti v oblasti reklamy a marketingu

    Vyhľadávanie, oslovovanie a predaj tovaru a slu...

    Amazon /Slovakia/ s.r.o.
    Špecialisti v oblasti reklamy a marketingu

    Review and evaluate classification according to...
