
Administratívni pracovníci v účtovníctve

Povolanie: Administratívni pracovníci v účtovníctve
Bratislava-Staré Mesto, Legionárska 10



1. 3. 2024

Dátum začiatku

Ensuring daily processing of bank statements (billing, matching of incoming and outgoing payments) • Reconciliation and clearing of bank accounts • Performing of electronic and manual payments via banking system • Preparation and confirmation of payment parameter and deadlines for national and international payments • Carry out performs double payments analysis and discount analysis independently and initiate measures • Carry out research, cause analysis, initiation and monitoring of measures in the event of process disruptions • Support for those responsible for control in elimination control weaknesses • Control, recording and preparation of documents for auditors • Processing of more complex clearing requests and providing solution proposals for banking issues • Submitting proposals to improve the processes performed in the Banking team, cooperation with Process manager • Participation in company migration, preparation and updating of necessary documentation related to migration (including the testing) • Closing activities as directed by the supervisor • Resolving complaints by the customer, communication with internal and external clients • Performing of ICS controls • Guiding and coaching junior accountants and instructing new team members, preparation and update of internal guidelines relevant for banking team • Provides process specific trainings • Participation in projects • Addresses suggestions for process optimization • Participates in projects focused on process optimization • Performs other analytical, reporting and work-related tasks as requested by the supervisor.


  • -Ročný bonus - Plne hradené stravné lístky - Mobilný telefón na súkromné účely - Zľava na vybrané Telekom produkty - Doplnkové dôchodkové sporenie s príspevkom spoločnosti - Cafeteria benefitový systém Multisport karta - Personal days - Športový klub a Dni zdravia - Teambuildingy, letná a Vianočná party - Možnosť kariérneho rastu - Odmena za odporučenie nových zamestnancov - Flexibilný pracovný čas - Benefity pre rodičov príspevok pri narodení dieťaťa, mobilný telefón počas materskej dovolenky

Administratívni pracovníci v účtovníctve

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