
Odborní pracovníci v oblasti účtovníctva

Povolanie: Odborní pracovníci v oblasti účtovníctva , účtovník/účtovníčka
Bratislava-Ružinov, Bajkalská 19B


1300.00 €

1. 8. 2023

Dátum začiatku

Your tasks as Junior Accountant in Management Accounting would be as follows: -During the month you will be responsible for the maintenance of the cost objects using SAP. This means adjusting and checking the existing setup in SAP, and maintaining new cost allocations based on the request from stakeholders following our internal guidelines. Besides cost allocation, you will also be responsible to calculate the price of new products using SAP -First three days in a month, during financial closing, you will be responsible for cost allocation from cost objects to income statement and to ensure all our business figures are assigned to Profit centers relevant for reporting -Once per year you will take care for recalculation of material prices used for all Covestro goods -All activities are performed in SAP, with support of various ticketing tools through which we receive request for change from our stakeholders -We work in close relation with Controlling, as with our closing activities we directly affect financial figures used for reporting


  • - Ročná odmena vo forme podielu na zisku spoločnosti - Referral bonus vo výške 1000 EUR v hrubom za odporúčanie úspešného kandidáta - Plne hradené stravné lístky vo výške 5,48 EUR - Platená PNka do výšky 90 percent platu - Ultraflexibilný pracovný čas - Home Office - 4 dni voľna navyše pre nástupy v priebehu roka pro-rata - 2 dni voľna na dobrovoľnícke aktivity - Ročný bonus vo výške 240 EUR alebo DDS - Možnosť objednania Multisport karty spoločnosťou v prípade záujmu - Interné a externé tréningy - Employee assistance program – psychologické poradenstvo hradené spoločnosťou - 1 mesiac Sabbatical po troch odpracovaných rokoch