
Analytici v oblasti riadenia a organizácie práce

Povolanie: Analytici v oblasti riadenia a organizácie práce , projektový manažér/projektová manažérka
Bratislava-Nové Mesto, Vajnorská 100/b



1. 8. 2023

Dátum začiatku

Develops and implements internal or external IT projects and programs.
Plans, develops, coordinates and assists with project activities through all project phases;

  • allocates, obtains and manages resources and project management tools to achieve project objectives;
  • and creates and implements assessment processes to enforce timely completion of programs in accordance with established standards and requirements.

    Performs routine and non-routine system administration, tier 2 end-user support and technical/complex support tasks. 
  • May support internal and external customers. 
  • May participate in special projects, train and mentor new team members and serve as a SME within the team.

    Essential Functions:
    Fulfill end-user requests for non-routine and complex/technical tasks.
    Provide guidance to end-users on application functionality and procedural topics that are within assigned remit.
    Escalate end user requests and incidents to higher level support staff or management in accordance with the escalation path for the assigned system or process.
    Contribute and implement ideas to improve overall quality and efficiency of systems and processes. 
  • Act as a change advocate.
    Maintain compliance with SOP, training, time reporting requirements, other procedures, and applicable regulatory requirements.
    As assigned, perform system/process checks, QC tasks and applicable follow-up actions.
    Perform system User Acceptance Testing (UAT), informal testing or validation as assigned.

  • 1950€
    Centrum biológie rastlín a biodiverzity Slovenskej akadémie vied, verejná výskumná inštitúcia
    Analytici v oblasti riadenia a organizácie práce

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    IQVIA RDS Slovakia, s. r. o.
    Analytici v oblasti riadenia a organizácie práce

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